Neighborhood Council September 2023 meeting agenda

NEWNC will hold its September meeting Monday September 11th in-person at the Nazzaro center at 7pm.

On the agenda

Small Business Spotlight: Row Republic, 77 NorthWashington Street

Kristina Tagliente will provide a presentation in the first installment of a Council series featuring small businesses in the North End.

Community Chat

Proposed topics include Trash issues (with upcoming city contract renewal for garbage pickup) and Thoughts on next year’s outdoor dining rules - among others.

Full agenda:

Abutters of 190 Salem file suit to stop construction

Phil Orlandella has the story for the Regional Review: Abutter files suit against Horrace Dodd House LLC

The suit names the LLC that owns the property (Horrace Dodd House), Gregory McCarthy (the manager of the LLC), the architect, the City of Boston, Mayor Wu, ISD, and the ZBA as defendants as well as "John Doe" who the petitioners believe has "an ownership" in the project.

Turns out, the fellow who wrote the words to My Country Tis of Thee was born on Sheafe Street

Ever notice that plaque on the second story of 37 Sheafe St? Behind the fire escape? Next to the abondoned building? No?

It reads:

Birthplace of
Rev S.F. Smith
Author of "America"
1808 - 1895

Erected by the Old South Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution

Board approves manager of record transfer for Prince St Monica's from Mendoza to McQueen

The licensing board today approved the transfer of the Manager of Record from Patrick Mendoza, who is currently being held on charges relating to the shooting last month on Hanover street.

Mendoza family attorney, William Ferullo asked the standard questions of McQueen for the board:

NEWHealth to temporarily close 3rd floor

The third floor of NEWHealth's North End building will be closed for four weeks from August 7th - September 3rd.

During this time, the dental and vision departments will be relocated to NEWHealth's Charlestown site at 15 Tufts Street. Podiatry services will remain at the North End location but will be relocated to the first floor.

If the ceiling installation takes longer than anticipated, NEWHealth will alert the community.

Attorney for Mendoza family petitions for Amanda McQueen, operations manager, to take over as manager of Monica's Trattoria; Board to vote next Tuesday

The Licensing Board held an information hearing today on the fitness of Patrick Mendoza, who is wanted by the police for attempted murder and other charges, to continue to be the manager of record for the Monica's Trattoria which he owns.

Mendoza family Attorney William Ferullo opened the hearing by stating his intention to petition the board for a transfer of the Manager of Record from Patrick Mendoza to current Operations Manager Amanda McQueen.