Geometric Centers, Impassable Barriers and how they relate to the pot shop proposal

Tonight's community input meeting on Baystate Herbal Solutions' proposal for a dispensary at the former 7/11 will likely feature lots of discussion on the proposed location's proximity to the Eliot school on Charter Street. Specifically, whether the pot shop falls within the 500 foot buffer zone prescribed by the Code of Massachusetts Regulations on Adult Use of Marijuana.

Both neighborhood groups express opposition to Cross Street Hotel

The North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council and Residents Association have both sent letters to the Zoning Board of Appeals expressing their opposition to the (now approved) Cross Street Hotel Project.

Both letters discuss quality of life issues including traffic and noise as well as concerns about the granted zoning variance for Floor Area Ratio.

North Meadow Greenway Park completed

The park at Parcel 2 (dubbed "North Meadow") is now complete!

I swung by this afternoon to check it out. Other than the fact that it took me 3 minutes and 32 seconds to reach the park from the bus stop across the street on North Washington, and the exhaust and noise from traffic... the park was lovely! The flowers, seating, and signage all seemed well thought out and designed. (Especially the flowers - they really are lovely🌺)