July 2024 NEWNC meeting agenda

July 2024 NEWNC meeting agenda

The Neighborhood Council will hold its monthly meeting tonight Monday, July 8th at 7pm at the Nazzaro Center.

Voting items on the agenda:

  • 33 North Square – Forcella plans to apply to the Licensing Board for the issuance of a new All Alcoholic Beverages License to replace the current Beer, Wine & Cordials License.
  • 89 Salem Street – The Wild Duck has applied for a Common Victualer License for a take-out deli.

Other agenda items:

  • 2024 Feast Update – Reports from representatives of the Feast organizations about the upcoming Feast season.
  • Committee updates (Public Safety, Greenway, Harborfront Alliance, Streets)
  • Community chat

Full agenda:


Submitted by CJ Mon, 07/08/2024 - 15:10

It will be good to know another update and plan about August during the feast season. Hopefully that segment will be posted on here. These kids  can't be allowed to cause trouble anymore answers are needed and is good that they'll be there to represent. Again we need a video recap or something of the meeting. Where's the zoom for the public to see if they can't come just like in general for all meetings? Either this update really changes next month or these 4 feasts of August down the North End is in jeopardy at least with the vendors and entertainment and those committees know it and so do we. 

Submitted by CJ Mon, 07/08/2024 - 15:19

This year will be better I believe, but never count out a isolated incident naturally I saw that in South Boston during the St. Patty's Parade and with TD Garden concerts scheduled for three of the four feasts that's a red flag because that's a ticket for trouble. I can only pray for 100% success and I know it will be. These are family friendly traditional events that date back to generations. Don't be surprised if there's trouble but it doesn't need to happen. In person we'll see if these 4 committees succeed and I love them, all the feasts and their societies as I have since I was little. This year is the big test. Do they want vendors and entertainment in the future or no or will goofy kids my age and younger ruin everything let's see. The August feasts will not be messed with anymore. Viva exists for a reason right long live! VIVA 

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