Feast Society representatives give update at July Neighborhood Council meeting - voting support for Forcello and Wild Duck

Feast Society representatives give update at July Neighborhood Council meeting - voting support for Forcello and Wild Duck


(scroll down for voting items)

Representatives from all five North End societies that hold Feasts were present at tonight's Neighborhood Council meeting to discuss measures they are taking to avoid the situation last year where the feasts were disrupted by gangs of "unruly" teens.

Sal Gesamondo from St. Agrippina's spoke first and outlined the approach he and the other Societies had worked out in collaboration with the BPD. Of note:

  • All feasts will have a perimeter and a limited number of entry points. (note: St. Gennaro's is being held on the Prado this year - so a perimeter is less important there).
  • No backpacks or open containers will be allowed entry.
  • Backpacks containing alcohol will be confiscated (to eliminate the possibility of the bearer going elsewhere in the North End with it).
  • Entry points will be staffed by private security as well as Feast Society members - not police - so that the first experience people trying to enjoy the feast will have is with a member of the community.
  • Having an established perimeter will allow the BPD to concentrate their efforts on the rest of the neighborhood problem areas including Lewis Wharf and behind Steriti Rink. Feast representatives communicated that the BPD is working with State Police on the area behind Steriti Rink specifically (because that area is managed by DCR).

Notes from other Society representatives:

  • St. Anthony's Feast (Jason Aluia) - will shut down at 9pm this year and may direct most exiting revelers towards Keaney Square (rather than down Prince or La Fayette into the Neighborhood)
  • Fisherman’s Feast (Dom Strazzullo) - will have a rolling shutdown which ends entertainment at 9pm, shuts down stands at 10, and closes the beer gardens at 11.
  • All Societies agreed that they would work with BPD in real-time during the Feasts and make adjustments as recommended.
  • Some Feast organizers will be issuing lanyards to residents who live within the Feast perimeter so that they can move in and out more freely.

All Society representative were united in a desire for a return to normalcy.

"We don't want a police state. We hope that we can send a strong message this year."

A young commenter on this site summarized:

This year is the big test. Do they want vendors and entertainment in the future or no or will goofy kids my age and younger ruin everything let's see

This was not a voting agenda item and Feast Organizers had no specific request of the Council. But several representatives encouraged attendees and the Council to petition the BPD to do more than just shoo this year's ruffians along. Society representatives noted that there was a flare up of hooligans during the 2017 Feast season and that it was largely checked after BPD arrested 15 of them. One member of the Council suggested that arrests might not even be necessary to send the strong message: BPD could take intoxicated youths into protective custody.

Voting items

Forcello (33 North Square)

Forcello is applying to licensing board for a full alcohol license to upgrade their existing beer, wine, and cordial license.

VOTE: support

Members of the Council asked why the petition was for a 2am license. A representative explained that the existing license is for 2am as well but that there is no planned change in operating hours. The restaurant closes at 11pm "at the latest".

Wild Duck (89 Salem St)

(Not be confused with Wild Duck 96 Salem St)
Wild Duck has applied for a Common Victualer License for a take-out deli.

VOTE: support

Members of the Council noted that there are numerous take-out establishments already in the area and that the Wild Duck Liquor Store (96 Salem St) vehemently opposed a petition to allow one of their abutters, Going Bananas, to sell booze because the market was already "saturated". At the December 2021 NEWNC meeting, an attorney for the Wild Duck Liquor Store argued that Frank Scire of Going Bananas shouldn't be granted a liquor license because there were already 7 places to get booze within "two tenths of a mile".

President Niral Patel acknowledged that the owner of the Wild Duck Liquor Store (96 Salem St) is a 1/3 owner of the proposed new Wild Duck (89 Salem St). But he said that there is no formal connection between the two (🤔). Continuing, Mr. Patel stated that he and Mr. Scire are on good terms and that Mr. Patel supports Mr. Scire's enterprise.

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