Sumner Tunnel Restoration Project public information meeting

Sumner Tunnel Restoration Project public information meeting

Massachusetts Department of Transportation will hold a (virtual) meeting Tuesday night at 6pm to provide the public with the opportunity to become fully acquainted with Phase 1 construction for the Sumner Restoration Project.

Phase 1 of the restoration will begin in June 2022. MassDOT says the project will have "many public benefits" including:

  • Improved tunnel safety
  • A smoother, more durable roadway surface
  • New lighting and security systems
  • Better cell phone, GPS, and radio service inside tunnel

Register for the meeting using this link:

The tunnel opened in 1934. Less than one year later, traffic was so bad that authorities were already calling for another tunnel to double the capacity.

Bumpers bumped and horns tooted steadily. Traffic was backed up into Scollay sq, Haymarket sq, and Washington st. [...]

The only solution, the local authorities are beginning to think, is another tube, to double the capacity of the present one.

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