"New Look Miffs Old Neighbors" - 2016

"New Look Miffs Old Neighbors" - 2016

Eight years ago today, the Herald Published an article about neighborhood opposition to the proposed redevelopment of 60-70 Cross Street by Charter Realty. The president of the Neighborhood Council at the time explained that some residents didn't believe the design matched the historical nature of the neighborhood.

The last paragraph of the article gives a hint at the turmoil that came later - which ultimately saw the project cancelled .

Pregmon meanwhile said there's neighborhood concern about chain stores occupying the new spaces. "We do want to make sure that we're supporting the local restaurants and businesses that make the North End what it is."

The site has sat mostly vacant for the last eight years. The Residents Association voted 16-8 in favor of a new development at the site by Depasquale Ventures last Thursday night after the height of the structure was reduced following Monday's Neighborhood Council meeting.

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