Mirabella Pool opens Friday, June 28th - regresses back to registration on weekends

Mirabella Pool opens Friday, June 28th - regresses back to registration on weekends

The Mirabella Pool will open for the 2024 summer on Friday, June 28th.

Lap Swim:
8am - 10am Monday - Friday

Open Swim:
noon - 7pm Monday - Friday
You must have an account in the registration system to participate in Open Swim, but you don't need to actually register for a time slot. Just show up between noon and 7pm weekdays and you will be checked in when you arrive.

Registered Swim:
8am - 7pm Saturday & Sunday
You must pre-register for a 90-minute swim session if you want to use the pool on weekends. Registration for the sessions opens 24 hours before the sessions start time. For example, registration for the 11am - 12:30pm Saturday session opens at 11am on Friday.

The problematic registration system was abandoned last year in favor of Open Swim after it was found that the slots were often filled within minutes of the registration opening. It's unclear why BCYF reverted back to the registration system on weekends this summer.

See the BCYF Mirabella Pool page for more information.